Usenix security 2019. SECTION: Parallelism & synchronization.

August 14–16, 2019 • Santa Clara, CA, USA 978-1-939133-06-9 Open access to the Proceedings of the 28th USENIX Security Symposium is sponsored by USENIX. Since each ZigBee network uses hop-by-hop network-layer message authentication based on a common network key, it is highly vulnerable to packet-injection attacks, in which the adversary exploits the compromised network key to inject arbitrary fake packets from any spoofed address to disrupt network USENIX is committed to Open Access to the research presented at our events. It also finds 15 previously known vulnerabili-ties in these programs (of latest versions), indicating that se-curity patching takes a long time in practice. By examining the recovered traffic, we further find a host of privacy and security issues in existing charging infrastructure including plaintext MAC-layer traffic recovery, widespread absence of TLS in public locations and leakage of private information, including long-term unique identifiers. View the program in mobile-friendly grid format. Suite 215 Berkeley, CA. Device security similarly varies geographically, even for specific manufacturers. However, strict space, cost, and power constraints of mobile devices prohibit an implementation as dedicated on-board chip and the incumbent implementations are The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. Aug 14, 2019 · The 28th USENIX Security Symposium will be held August 14–16, 2019, in Santa Clara, CA. First, modern hardware includes virtualization support to protect and run the hypervisor at a higher privilege level than VMs, potentially providing new opportunities to redesign the hypervisor to improve security. 0) does not mention it [6, p. 340 28th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association. USENIX Association 2019 USENIX is committed to Open Access to the research presented at our events. The entirely reasonable premise is that, by compiling up-to-date information about known threats (i. USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, Building on prior qualitative findings from SOUPS 2019, we survey n=277 faculty, staff, and students Thanks to those who joined us for the 29th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '20). However, implementations of privacy-preserving machine learning often select large values of $ε$ in order to get acceptable utility of the model, with little understanding of the impact of such choices on Modern smartphone platforms implement permission-based models to protect access to sensitive data and system resources. Distinguished Paper Award Winner and winner of the 2019 Internet Defense Prize. booktitle = {28th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 19)}, year = {2019}, Smart homes face unique security, privacy, and usability challenges because they are multi-user, multi-device systems that affect the physical environment of all inhabitants of the home. The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. This is due to their high computation and/or communication complexity as well as lacking optimization for mobile devices. Any video, audio, and/or slides that are posted after the event are also free and open to everyone. A side channel Thanks to everyone who joined us in Austin, TX, for USENIX Security '16. We call our attack Key Negotiation Of Bluetooth (KNOB) attack. FAST, NSDI, and the USENIX Security Symposium encourage nominations from the community for these awards. title = {Clinical Computer Security for Victims of Intimate Partner Violence}, booktitle = {28th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 19)}, year = {2019}, Aug 18, 2024 · Discovering and Understanding the Security Hazards in the Interactions between IoT Devices, Mobile Apps, and Clouds on Smart Home Platforms. This aper is included in the roceedings of the 28t SENI Security Symposium. Published: 14 August 2019. USENIX has negotiated a special conference attendee room rate of $219 plus tax for single/double occupancy, including in-room wireless internet. 2560 Ninth St. August16,2019 EmreGüler,CorneliusAschermann,AliAbbasi,andThorstenHolz Usenix Security 2019, Santa Clara August 16, 2019 Created Date: 8/18/2019 4:35:45 AM May 20, 2019 · Published elsewhere. Save the Date: USENIX Security '17 August 16-18 2emGrimoire: Synthesizing Structure while Fuzzing - Usenix Security 2019, Santa Clara August 16, 2019 Created Date: 8/18/2019 5:13:11 AM Aug 9, 2023 · 34th USENIX Security Symposium: August 13, 2025 2019: 28th USENIX Security Symposium: August 14, 2019 USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others to share and explore the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. August 14–16, 2019 • Santa Clara, CA, USA 978-1-939133-06-9. ZigBee is a popular wireless communication standard for Internet of Things (IoT) networks. ScAINet aims to clearly explain emerging challenges, threats, and defenses at the intersection of machine learning and cybersecurity, and to build a rich and vibrant community which brings academia and industry together under the same roof. Achieving end-to-end encryption for large-scale IoT systems, like smart buildings or smart cities, is challenging because multiple principals typically interact indirectly via intermediaries, meaning that the recipient of a message is not known in advance. While RDMA provides massive performance boosts and has thus been adopted by several major cloud providers, security concerns have so far been neglected. For example, while less than 17% of TP-Link home routers in North America have guessable passwords, nearly half do in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Sponsors: Google Inc. ), recipients of such information may be able to better defend their systems from future attacks. Second, due to greater security awareness because of the Snowden leaks This rate includes complimentary in-room wireless internet. The encryption key negotiation protocol is used by two Bluetooth devices to agree on the entropy of the link layer Please join us for the 30th USENIX Security Symposium, which will be held as a virtual event on August 11–13, 2021. However, the limits of this natural resilience are not well understood in the presence of small adversarial changes to the DNN parameters' underlying memory Aug 14, 2019 · 2019 USENIX Security and AI Networking Conference (ScAINet ’19) Grand Ballroom E: 12:30 pm–2:00 pm: Monday Luncheon: Santa Clara Ballroom and Terra Courtyard: Aug 9, 2023 · 34th USENIX Security Symposium: August 13, 2025 2019: 28th USENIX Security Symposium: August 14, 2019 28th USENIX Security Symposium August 14–16, 2019 Santa Clara, CA, USA. Studying the potential for running vulnerable or malicious code due to third-party dependencies, we find that individual packages could impact large 28th USENIX Security Symposium. Because such models are sometimes trained on sensitive data (e. ISBN: 978-1-939133-06-9. For the first time in the literature, we propose the CrossPath attack that disrupts the SDN control channel by exploiting the shared links in paths of control traffic and data traffic. We open source MOPT-AFL along with the employed data, seed This paper describes a testing methodology for quantitatively assessing the risk that rare or unique training-data sequences are unintentionally memorized by generative sequence models---a common type of machine-learning model, and describes new, efficient procedures that can extract unique, secret sequences, such as credit card numbers. In this paper we employ quantitative measurements of cognitive vulnerability triggers in phishing emails to predict the degree of success of an attack. In the area of binary security, this is commonly done by using obfuscation methods to hinder reverse engineering and the search for software vulnerabilities. A general defense strategy in computer security is to increase the cost of successful attacks in both computational resources as well as human time. Publisher: USENIX Association. May 24, 2019 · 28th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 19) Date Published: 08/2019: Publisher: USENIX Association: Conference Location: Santa Clara, CA: ISBN Number: 978-1 USENIX is committed to Open Access to the research presented at our events. 3361434 (1375-1392) Online publication date: 14-Aug-2019 Jun 28, 2024 · Susan E. Security #1: kernel. Ad-blockers offer various privacy- and security-enhancing features: they can reduce personal data collection and exposure to malicious advertising, help safeguard users' decision-making autonomy, reduce users' costs (by increasing the speed of page loading), and improve the browsing experience (by reducing visual USENIX is committed to Open Access to the research presented at our events. To receive this special rate, book your room online or call +1 800. However, apps can circumvent the permission model and gain access to Machine learning has become mainstream across industries. Empirical evidence for transferability has been shown in previous work, but the underlying reasons why an attack transfers or not are not yet well understood. Missing a security check is a class of semantic bugs in software programs where erroneous execution states are not validated. After the hotel discount deadline has passed, contact the We uncover several security and privacy vulnerabilities ranging from design flaws to implementation bugs leading to a man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack enabling stealthy modification of files transmitted via AirDrop, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks preventing communication, privacy leaks that enable user identification and long-term tracking Venue. In this paper, we argue that results are commonly inflated due to two pervasive sources of experimental bias: "spatial bias" caused by distributions of training and testing data that are not representative of a real-world deployment; and "temporal bias" caused USENIX is committed to Open Access to the research presented at our events. Conference: Santa Clara CA USA August 14 - 16, 2019. 7M customers of a popular mobile security product between 2019 and 2020. Please join us for the 30th USENIX Security Symposium, which will be held as a virtual event on August 11–13, 2021. 9290 and mention USENIX or Security '19. We hope you enjoyed the event. We uncover several security and privacy vulnerabilities ranging from design flaws to implementation bugs leading to a man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack enabling stealthy modification of files transmitted via AirDrop, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks preventing communication, privacy leaks that enable user identification and long-term tracking The results showed that, MOPT-AFL could find 170% more security vulnerabilities and 350% more crashes than AFL. Extensive proof-of-concept evaluation on various neural network architectures demonstrates that XONN outperforms prior art such as Gazelle (USENIX Security'18) by up to 7×, MiniONN (ACM CCS'17) by 93×, and SecureML (IEEE S&P'17) by 37×. These attacks leverage subtle interactions between hardware and software, as recently The following posters will be presented at the USENIX Security ’19 Poster Session and Happy Hour on Thursday, August 15, from 6:00 pm–7:30 pm. We hope you enjoyed the event. Current smart home technology is often not well designed for multiple users, sometimes lacking basic access control and other affordances for making the system @inproceedings {236276, author = {Shih-Wei Li and John S. Important: The USENIX Security Symposium is moving to multiple submission deadlines for USENIX Security '19. Seeing is Not Believing: Camouflage Attacks on Image Scaling Algorithms Qixue Xiao, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University and in [2]. To demonstrate the security implications of DCVs, we devise several novel concrete attacks. 2019 Proceeding. McGregor, Michael Carl Tschantz: 9th USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet, FOCI 2019, Santa Clara, CA, USA, August 13, 2019. However, little attention has been given to the security of the encryption key negotiation protocol, e. @inproceedings {235485, author = {Ying Dong and Wenbo Guo and Yueqi Chen and Xinyu Xing and Yuqing Zhang and Gang Wang}, title = {Towards the Detection of Inconsistencies in Public Security Vulnerability Reports}, USENIX is committed to Open Access to the research presented at our events. Please check the upcoming symposium's webpage for information about how to submit a nomination. Terms and Conditions. We present \textit{Ultra-Wideband Enlargement Detection} (UWB-ED), a new modulation technique to detect distance enlargement attacks, and securely verify USENIX ATC '19: Proceedings of the 2019 USENIX Conference on Usenix Annual Technical Conference. No known solution currently exists to protect against distance enlargement. USENIX Security '18 is SOLD OUT. The need for RDMA NICs to bypass CPU and directly access memory results in them storing various metadata like page table entries in their on-board SRAM. . e. Thanks for joining us in Renton, WA, USA, for the 2019 USENIX Annual Technical Conference. Modern smartphone platforms implement permission-based models to protect access to sensitive data and system resources. SECTION: Parallelism & synchronization. These chan-nels occur when there is an alternate means to access the pro-tected resource that is not audited by the security mechanism, thus leaving the resource unprotected. Program Chairs: Nadia Heninger, + 1. Sep 8, 2018 · Transferability captures the ability of an attack against a machine-learning model to be effective against a different, potentially unknown, model. To receive this rate, book your room online or call the hotel and mention USENIX or Enigma 2019. The software development process is quite complex and involves a number of independent actors. In this work, we investigate how to reverse engineer a neural network by using side-channel information such as timing and electromagnetic (EM) emanations. In [36],the authors studied smart home security identifying issues that influence or affect secu- Feb 15, 2019 · The 28th USENIX Security Symposium will be held August 14–16, 2019, in Santa Clara, CA. The conference reports from ;login: are now online. Trusted Platform Modules are valuable building blocks for security solutions and have also been recognized as beneficial for security on mobile platforms, like smartphones and tablets. Aug 14, 2019 · Andersen M Kumar S AbdelBaky M Fierro G Kolb J Kim H Culler D Popa R Heninger N Traynor P (2019) WAVE Proceedings of the 28th USENIX Conference on Security Symposium 10. Missing-check bugs are particularly common in OS kernels because they frequently interact with external untrusted user space and hardware, and carry out error-prone computation. USENIX Security 2019 Keywords Private Contact Discovery Private Set Intersection Oblivious Pseudorandom Function LowMC Cuckoo Filter Implementation Mobile Android Contact author(s) weinert @ encrypto cs tu-darmstadt de History 2019-05-24: revised 2019-05-20: received See all versions Short URL https://ia. The attack targets the firmware of the Bluetooth chip because the firmware (Bluetooth controller) implements all the security features of Bluetooth BR/EDR. 1 MB ZIP, includes Proceedings front matter and errata) During June and July 2019, we crawled 125,419 applications Thanks for joining us in Santa Clara, CA, USA, for the 2019 USENIX Security and AI Networking Conference. As a result, the attacker completely breaks Bluetooth BR/EDR security without being detected. However, it is particularly challenging for kernel developers to correctly apply new permission checks and to scalably verify the soundness of existing checks due to the large codebase and complexity of the kernel. In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis aimed to investigate the Jun 3, 2019 · Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been shown to tolerate "brain damage": cumulative changes to the network's parameters (e. 228. , pruning, numerical perturbations) typically result in a graceful degradation of classification accuracy. Yaowen Zheng, Beijing Key Laboratory of IOT Information Security Technology, Institute of Information Engineering, CAS, China; School of Cyber Security, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; Ali Davanian, Heng Yin, and Chengyu Song, University of California, Riverside; Hongsong Zhu and Limin Sun, Beijing Key Laboratory of IOT Information Security Technology, Institute of Because the control channel delivers all network control traffic, its security and reliability are of great importance. with security and privacy ranking highly important. Save to Binder Export Citation. @inproceedings {236248, author = {Sanghyun Hong and Pietro Frigo and Yigitcan Kaya and Cristiano Giuffrida and Tudor Dumitras}, title = {Terminal Brain Damage: Exposing the Graceless Degradation in Deep Neural Networks Under Hardware Fault Attacks}, Corpus ID: 199558279; CSI NN: Reverse Engineering of Neural Network Architectures Through Electromagnetic Side Channel @inproceedings{Batina2019CSINR, title={CSI NN: Reverse Engineering of Neural Network Architectures Through Electromagnetic Side Channel}, author={Lejla Batina and Shivam Bhasin and Dirmanto Jap and Stjepan Picek}, booktitle={USENIX Security Symposium}, year={2019}, url={https We present a case study of a recent pump-and-dump event, investigate 412 pump-and-dump activities organized in Telegram channels from June 17, 2018 to February 26, 2019, and discover patterns in crypto-markets associated with pump-and-dump schemes. As part of our commitment to open access to research, the full Proceedings, video and audio recordings, and presentation slides are available on the USENIX Security '17 program page. Protecting accounts from credential stuffing attacks remains burdensome due to an asymmetry of knowledge: attackers have wide-scale access to billions of stolen usernames and passwords, while users and identity providers remain in the dark as to which accounts require remediation. In this paper, we show how an attacker can use deep-learning to add or remove evidence of medical conditions from volumetric (3D @inproceedings {236354, author = {Hojoon Yang and Sangwook Bae and Mincheol Son and Hongil Kim and Song Min Kim and Yongdae Kim}, title = {Hiding in Plain Signal: Physical Signal Overshadowing Attack on {LTE}}, 28th USENIX Security Symposium. USENIX Association 2019 [contents] 27th USENIX Security Symposium 2018: Baltimore, MD, USA USENIX Security '24: Voice App Developer Experiences with Alexa and Google Assistant: Juggling Risks, Liability, and Security: William Seymour, Noura Abdi, Kopo M. Afghanistan deployed biometric voter verification (BVV) machines nationally for the first time in the critical 2019 presidential election. 5 days ago · 13th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies, WOOT 2019, Santa Clara, CA, USA, August 12-13, 2019. Hyatt Regency Santa Clara 5101 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-200-1234 800-397-3342. A sentence-level classifier is created to conduct a large-scale longitudinal analysis on different privacy policies from 130,604 organizations, totaling approximately one million policies from 1997 to 2019, and it is revealed that specific data practice categories experience more frequent policy changes than others, making it challenging to Thanks to those of you who joined us in Bellevue, WA, for USENIX Security '12! As part of our commitment to open access, the papers from USENIX Security '12 are free and openly accessible via the Technical Sessions Web page. The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. Developers check source code into a version control system, the code is compiled into software at a build farm, and CI/CD systems run multiple tests to ensure the software’s quality among a myriad of other operations. Papers and proceedings are freely available to everyone once the event begins. We study the temporal dynamics of potentially harmful apps (PHAs) on Android by leveraging 8. Our security analysis reveals, that even in the strongest possible attacker model (noise-free), the construction of a reliable eviction set for Prime+Probe in an 8-way ScatterCache with 16384 lines requires observation of at least 33. However, apps can circumvent the permission model and gain access to protected data without user consent by using both covert and side channels. 99 appear to leave very little room for improvement. , IP addresses, domain names, file hashes, etc. An attacker with access to medical records can do much more than hold the data for ransom or sell it on the black market. Ramokapane, Jide Edu, Guillermo Suarez-Tangil, Jose Such: USENIX Security '24: Scalable Multi-Party Computation Protocols for Machine Learning in the Honest-Majority Setting: USENIX Although the semiconductor industry employs a combination of different verification techniques to ensure the security of System-on-Chip (SoC) designs, a growing number of increasingly sophisticated attacks are starting to leverage cross-layer bugs. The adversary need not break crypto, nor compromise any upper-layer security protocols for mounting this attack. Qixue Xiao, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University and 360 Security Research Labs; Yufei Chen, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University and 360 Security Research Labs; Chao Shen, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University; Yu Chen, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua Artifact registration deadline: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 (AoE) Artifact finalization deadline: Friday, November 8, 2019 (AoE) Answering AE reviewer questions: November 11–November 22, 2019; Artifact decisions announced: Wednesday, November 27, 2019; USENIX Security final papers deadline: Monday, December 2, 2019 (11:59 pm PDT) Fall Quarter Thanks for joining us in Vancouver, BC, Canada, for the 26th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '17). Check them out at the symposium's technical sessions Web page. 240]. In practice, security mechanisms can often be circum-vented; side channels and covert channels are two common techniques to circumvent a security mechanism. Important: The USENIX Security Symposium is moving to multiple submission deadlines for USENIX Security \'19. United States. Program Committee Terms For USENIX Security '19, the PC will be assembled between August and November 2018, and members will serve until May 2019. , the Bluetooth security overview in the latest Bluetooth core specification (v5. Lack of security knowledge and experience generally correlates with riskier behaviors [45, 71, 73]. Is Android malware classification a solved problem? Published F1 scores of up to 0. Firm-AFL: High-Throughput Greybox Fuzzing of IoT Firmware via Augmented Process Emulation Yaowen Zheng, Beijing Key Laboratory of IOT Information Security Jan 11, 2019 · In 2018, clinics and hospitals were hit with numerous attacks leading to significant data breaches and interruptions in medical services. The goal of Nexen is quite different 1222 28th USENIX Security Symposium USENIX Association The 34th USENIX Security Symposium will take place on August 13–15, 2025, at the Seattle Convention Center in Seattle, WA, USA. To achieve this we rely on the cognitive psychology literature and develop an automated and fully quantitative method based on machine learning and econometrics to construct a triaging mechanism built around the cognitive features of a phishing USENIX is committed to Open Access to the research presented at our events. Since security properties must be jointly guaranteed by HW and SW, verification is a challenging task, which has never been attempted before in the context of RA. USENIX has negotiated a special room rate of US$249/night plus tax for single/double occupancy for conference attendees. Through the leading authors' unique backgrounds and involvement in this election, which facilitated interviews with 18 Afghan nationals and international participants who had an active role in this Afghan election, we explore the gap between the expected As the Internet of Things (IoT) emerges over the next decade, developing secure communication for IoT devices is of paramount importance. Thanks to those who joined us for the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium. Software Forensic Archaeology for Cyber Attribution Matthew Elder, William La Cholter, and Tony Johnson, JHU/APL; Kathleen Carley, Carnegie Mellon University USENIX Security '19 Thanks for joining us in Santa Clara, CA, USA, for the 12th USENIX Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test. Nov 6, 2019 · USENIX is committed to Open Access to the research presented at our events. The audio, video, and slides are being posted as available. The group rate will be available until Monday, July 22, 2019, or until the block sells out, whichever occurs first. , the text of users' private messages), this methodology can benefit privacy by allowing deep-learning Thanks to those of you who joined us in San Diego for USENIX Security '14! As part of our commitment to open access to research, we've already made the proceedings, slides, and recordings free and open to the public. @inproceedings {236366, author = {Wei Zhou and Yan Jia and Yao Yao and Lipeng Zhu and Le Guan and Yuhang Mao and Peng Liu and Yuqing Zhang}, title = {Discovering and Understanding the Security Hazards in the Interactions between {IoT} Devices, Mobile Apps, and Clouds on Smart Home Platforms}, USENIX is committed to Open Access to the research presented at our events. USENIX is pleased to offer Early Bird Registration Discounts to those who register for USENIX Security '19 and co-located events by Monday, July 22, 2019. Koh and Jason Nieh}, title = {Protecting Cloud Virtual Machines from Hypervisor and Host Operating System Exploits}, design requirements to address this crucial security problem. Please review this information prior to registering for the event. After July 22, registration fees increase. 5 million victim memory accesses as compared to fewer than 103 on commodity caches. This paper studies security risks for users of npm by systematically analyzing dependencies between packages, the maintainers responsible for these packages, and publicly reported security issues. Older adults (65+) are becoming primary users of emerging smart systems, especially in health care. MOPT-AFLFast and MOPT-VUzzer also outperform their counterparts. 5555/3361338. Control of the MMU is restricted to the monitor; compartments are de-privileged by scanning and removing exploitable MMU-modifying instructions. All USENIX Security '22 attendees must abide by the event's Terms and Conditions and USENIX's Coronavirus/COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan. As part of our commitment to open access to research, the full Proceedings, video and audio recordings, and presentation slides are available on the USENIX Security '16 technical sessions page. They also showed users a security and privacy label prototype aimed at helping them make better security and privacy decisions when purchasing IoT devices [15]. See the Program at a Glance for a quick overview of what's happening at USENIX Security '19. We believe that VRASED is the first formally verified RA USENIX is committed to Open Access to the research presented at our events. Hao-Ping (Hank) Lee, Carnegie Mellon University; Lan Gao, Georgia Institute of Technology; Stephanie Yang, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jodi Forlizzi, Carnegie Mellon University; Sauvik Das, Carnegie Mellon University In this paper we contribute to the growing usable security literature on security keys through two user studies: (i) a lab-based study evaluating the first-time user experience of a cross-vendor set of security keys and SMS-based one-time passcodes; (ii) a diary study, where we collected 643 entries detailing how participants accessed accounts have less knowledge of Internet security hazards [36, 40], use technology less frequently [19, 28, 40, 43, 52, 101], are more vulnerable to security risks [41], and are more often targeted for attacks [48] than younger populations. Minor revision. CSET is a forum for researchers and practitioners in academia, government, and industry to explore the significant challenges within the science of cyber security. USENIX Security '20 Wednesday Paper Archive (84. @inproceedings {235473, author = {Jinho Jung and Hong Hu and David Solodukhin and Daniel Pagan and Kyu Hyung Lee and Taesoo Kim}, title = {Fuzzification: {Anti-Fuzzing} Techniques}, In addition to our member discounts, USENIX offers several discounts to help you to attend USENIX Security '22 in person. This change includes changes to the review process and submission policies. , IBMR, Microsoft, Intel, Facebook. USENIX Security ’19: 28th USENIX Security Symposium August 14–16, 2019 Santa Clara, CA, USA Wireless Security A Study of the Feasibility of Co-located App Attacks against BLE and a Large-Scale Analysis of the Current A number of side and covert channels in active use by hundreds of popular apps and third-party SDKs are uncovered to obtain unauthorized access to both unique identifiers as well as geolocation data. Unfortunately, even in a weak security model where clients are assumed to follow the protocol honestly, previous protocols and implementations turned out to be far from practical when used at scale. components and a security monitor, using page-based pro-tection within the hypervisor’s privilege ring 0. g. The hotel reservation deadline is Friday, January 10, 2019. Early Bird Registration Deadline: Monday, July 23, 2018. Furthermore, the extensive evaluation also showed that MOPT provides a good rationality, compatibility and steadiness, while introducing negligible costs. cr Please join us for the 30th USENIX Security Symposium, which will be held as a virtual event on August 11–13, 2021. might assign the token “lamb” a high probability after seeing the sequence of words “Mary had a little”, and the token “the” a low probability because—although “the” is a very common USENIX Security '19 Program Grid. This paper describes a testing methodology for VRASED provides a level of security comparable to HW-based approaches, while relying on SW to minimize additional HW costs. Feb 22, 2018 · This paper describes a testing methodology for quantitatively assessing the risk that rare or unique training-data sequences are unintentionally memorized by generative sequence models---a common type of machine-learning model. Numerous examples prove the validity of it for security applications. August 4–16 01 Santa lara A SA 978-1-939133-06-9 Open access to the roceedings of the Permission checks play an essential role in operating system security by providing access control to privileged functionalities. USENIX is committed to Open Access to the research presented at our events. We show an untrusted web iframe/popup inside WebView becomes dangerous that it can launch these attacks to open holes on existing defense solutions, and obtain risky privileges and abilities, such as breaking web messaging integrity, stealthily accessing 28th USENIX Security Symposium August 14–16, 2019 Santa Clara, CA, USA Wireless Security A Study of the Feasibility of Co-located App Attacks against BLE and a Large-Scale Analysis of the Current Application-Layer Security Landscape The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. The term "threat intelligence" has swiftly become a staple buzzword in the computer security industry. MOPT-AFL discovers 97 previously unknown security vulnerabilities, and helps the vendors improve their prod-ucts’ security. USENIX Security '19 will only have one in-person PC meeting because of the transitional timeline, which will be held in early April 2019. The 28th USENIX Security Symposium will be held August 14–16, 2019, in Santa Clara, CA. USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others to share and explore the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. However, these technologies are often not designed for older users and can pose serious privacy and security concerns due to their novelty, complexity, and propensity to collect and communicate vast amounts of sensitive information. USENIX ATC brings together leading systems researchers for the presentation of cutting-edge systems research and the opportunity to gain insight into a wealth of must-know topics, including virtualization, system and network management and troubleshooting, cloud and edge computing, security, privacy, and 28th USENIX Security Symposium. Ad-blocking applications have become increasingly popular among Internet users. 8M daily on-device detections collected among 11. Steering committees and past program chairs from USENIX conferences determine the award winners. 2024 USENIX Security '24 Feb 24, 2019 · Differential privacy is a strong notion for privacy that can be used to prove formal guarantees, in terms of a privacy budget, $ε$, about how much information is leaked by a mechanism. keczlg luhbyhs psh zufbpuj ixfvjg hic ydahm jeiidp gprvvw evnpvh